Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!

As I sit here typing I am surrounded by a sweet naked 2 1/2 year old who has decided to go on nap strike today, a 90 pound sleeping lab ( who has decided to use my feet as a bed.), my sweet husband eating the last of the take out Thai food we decided to order. It's a nice peaceful evening in our household, besides the fact I'm nursing a very icky cold. This has been a very hard cold/flu season for our household. I keep praying we are done for the season and then another diabolical illness rears it's evil head. Having a 2 1/2 year old in preschool brings a lot of immune building bugs into a home. I am 35 years old and I'm obviously still building up mine- go figure?!
Today is the last Friday of 2011. I sit in wonderment as to what 2012 will bring. I have so many goals- unfinished business, ideas and deadlines dancing in my head. Dreams that I wish I would bring to life. I have been fighting a lot of weird anxiety and panic attack issues the last year. It's been absolutely awful to say the least. I feel as time ticks on I am feeling the pressure to get things moving. I have always been a fairly calm person. I haven't been one to worry over life's little challenges but being a Mommy has opened me up (wide open) and sometimes it's hard to turn everything off. Being a Massage therapist and helping others tap into their parasympathetic nervous system- you think I would have all the tools... think again. When you are going all the time... it's hard to turn off. So this coming year I have decided to really work on being still and quieting my mind with the art of meditation and prayer. Taking care of self is such an important ritual. I have been preoccupied with loving my baby- I lost sight of nurturing myself. I know it will only make me a better mother, wife, friend, sister and daughter if I start taking care of myself the way I should.
Praying 2012 bring all of us good health, happiness, love and peace.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Crane Family Photo shoot August 2010

We had some beautiful professional family photos taken a couple weeks ago at one of our favorite places, our local community garden where we have an 18X20 garden plot. We love getting our hands dirty as a family. Growing veggies, pumpkins, peppers, herbs and flowers is so much fun. My husband has an extremely green thumb and is teaching Elijah and I a lot. We try to help Daddy as best we can. Which usually entails Mommy running around after Elijah while Daddy tends to the garden. Our little 2 year old does love getting the shovel out and watering with his little watering can.

"Teaching children about the natural world should be seen as one of the most important events in their lives."