As I sit here typing I am surrounded by a sweet naked 2 1/2 year old who has decided to go on nap strike today, a 90 pound sleeping lab ( who has decided to use my feet as a bed.), my sweet husband eating the last of the take out Thai food we decided to order. It's a nice peaceful evening in our household, besides the fact I'm nursing a very icky cold. This has been a very hard cold/flu season for our household. I keep praying we are done for the season and then another diabolical illness rears it's evil head. Having a 2 1/2 year old in preschool brings a lot of immune building bugs into a home. I am 35 years old and I'm obviously still building up mine- go figure?!
Today is the last Friday of 2011. I sit in wonderment as to what 2012 will bring. I have so many goals- unfinished business, ideas and deadlines dancing in my head. Dreams that I wish I would bring to life. I have been fighting a lot of weird anxiety and panic attack issues the last year. It's been absolutely awful to say the least. I feel as time ticks on I am feeling the pressure to get things moving. I have always been a fairly calm person. I haven't been one to worry over life's little challenges but being a Mommy has opened me up (wide open) and sometimes it's hard to turn everything off. Being a Massage therapist and helping others tap into their parasympathetic nervous system- you think I would have all the tools... think again. When you are going all the time... it's hard to turn off. So this coming year I have decided to really work on being still and quieting my mind with the art of meditation and prayer. Taking care of self is such an important ritual. I have been preoccupied with loving my baby- I lost sight of nurturing myself. I know it will only make me a better mother, wife, friend, sister and daughter if I start taking care of myself the way I should.
Praying 2012 bring all of us good health, happiness, love and peace.